Wednesday, February 5, 2014

On finding myself on my knees

I found out yesterday that a darling young lady that I used to coach has brain cancer.  I found out on Facebook, of all places, and I found out that her surgery was scheduled for this morning.

Now, I've known too many people with cancer.  Too many stories of chemotherapy, radiation, surgery.  Repeat.  Caringbridge, Facebook, hospital waiting rooms.

It's too much.  It hurts too many people.

And it makes me wonder very often why we fight so many battles instead of simply fighting for each other.  Wonder why it's so easy to pick up a cause-- and so hard to put it down.  Wonder why we push so hard; why we are so unyielding... But those are conversations best reserved for my head and my heart in the middle of the night.

Because I found myself on my knees last night.  Again this morning.  Again in the middle of writing this.

Praying for a young lady who I haven't seen or spoken with in years.  Praying for her doctors, for her family, for her healing.  Because despite the battles I fight, hers seems more important than all of them today.

And it makes me wonder if I need to find myself on my knees even more often-- because I have a lot of perspective there:  what matters, what doesn't, what is worth it, what isn't.  What is worth surrendering and what is worth fighting for.

And she is worth fighting for.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. There's the Jess heart that made me want to be friends with you. Jesus. Heb 7:23-25.
