Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Oh, January...

Somehow, the entire month of January has escaped me without making it to this page!  If you read my blog regularly-- I apologize for my irregularity!  This month has been so full of new things!  We kicked off the new year at Wesley with a staff retreat in Gwinnett, and have kicked off our services with The God Series: all about the character of God.  At Athens First we've been gearing up for the spring semester and getting all of our summer retreats lined up.  If there's one thing I know for sure: 2013 is going to be an incredible year!

So far in 2013, I have...

dressed up like Quailman for a New Year's Eve Party...
Attempted a uke-band picture...
made it to 2013...
Kicked off spring semester with worship led by Wesley's worship team..
 watched my dear friend Josey carry 6 other people's things...
 hiked Stone Mountain...
watched my roommate break a spoon in the blender...
 cooked delicious things in this red pot...
and experiemented with cookie dough with the greatest small group ever.

2013 is already a year of abundant blessings!  More to come soon!

Friday, January 11, 2013

The God Series

Below is a link to the video that one of our media interns edited together for the beginning of our January series: The God Series.  Seriously worth a look.  Seriously.

The God Series