Monday, June 17, 2013

Carving out a place

So, in the past 2 months, I:  said goodbye to Wesley, interviewed for a job, was offered a job, took a job, went to Israel for 2 weeks, suffered through days of jetlag upon returning to America, packed up my things in Athens, moved, started a new job, participated in a local mission experience, and worked 2 weeks on the job.


My life feels unreal right now, to say the least.  And it is an adjustment (biggest understatement of the century-- and it's only 2013).  I've experienced moments of excitement to be starting something new, moments of panic because I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing, and moments of sadness because I miss Athens and all of the people, places, and comforts that are associated with that place.  There's a lot that goes into starting over somewhere new.  But as I sat in my totally unfurnished apartment this weekend, feeling lonely and overwhelmed, I kept hearing a song play over and over in my head called "Carving Out a Place."  It's by an International House of Prayer (IHOP) worship leader named Laura Hackett.  Besides being absolutely beautiful, it reminded me of the goodness of the Father--- that though I live in a new place, I still call Him "home."  And no matter where I go, He goes before me, travels with me, and hems me in from behind.  And that even in this new, unfamiliar place, He will faithfully carve out a place for me, and make more space in my heart to love a new place and new people along the way.  Praise the Lord, oh my soul.

He's carving out a place in me
That I might contain His Glory
Making a bigger space in me
That I might contain His Glory

Israel pictures & stories coming soon!